Confidential Corporate HQ Renovation & Addition – ENERGY MODELING
Three separate energy models, of two different types, were performed on the Confidential Corporate HQ Renovation & Addition. The first energy model for the new 150,000 SF, four story office addition, was due to the addition having more than the code prescribed 40% glazing. The code allows an alternate path of an energy model to prove that the proposed building energy cost is equal to or less than 85% of the standard reference design building as prescribed by VECC. The addition has 58% glazing. Energy conservation measures were implemented such as reduced lighting wattage density, and improved building envelope performance, to achieve the code requirement for county submission.
The second energy model type was performed to pursue points for Green Globes. Energy modeling was used to determine the most cost effective, energy efficient systems in comparison to the baseline building per ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G. A separate energy model was performed for the addition and renovation. The addition proposed building mechanical design included six (6) variable air volume air handling units with integral energy recovery wheels, chilled water cooling coils, and hot water heating coils. The central utility plant included two (2) 340 ton water cooled chillers, served by two (2) cooling towers, and two (2) condensing hot water boilers with variable flow hot water distribution pumps. The renovation of the existing 250,000 SF, four story office building, proposed mechanical system included re-using the existing chilled water plant and built-up air handling units. The proposed building mechanical design included adding energy recovery units with total enthalpy wheels to pre-condition ventilation air for energy efficiency. The air distribution systems were replaced with new ductwork and variable air volume and fan powered terminal boxes. The existing steam system was removed and the hot water heating system was replaced to provide all the building heating needs.

Both buildings achieved two (2) Green Globes. The renovation achieved 2 Green Globes for Sustainable Interiors, while the addition achieved 2 Green Globes for New Construction.