Dominion Energy Innsbrook Technology Center
Phase 2 Lab Building Addition
The 70,000 SF, 2 story, Lab Building addition consists of office, technical, and storage space. Engineers Plus participated in a collaborative process with stakeholders to determine the specific requirements and future-proofing strategies needed to support the user groups.
Computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units were designed for specific spaces, as well as 2 new variable air volume (VAV) rooftop air handling units (AHU) to serve the remainder of the addition. The AHUs included energy recovery wheels, chilled water cooling coils, electric heating coils and UV lights. Zone control was provided via VAV terminals and series fan powered boxes with electric reheat coils. The mechanical system was coordinated with localized clean agent fire suppression systems to provide isolation.
Engineers Plus designed a dual-utility source switchboard with a critical power automatic transfer switch. Critical loads, including all lab spaces, were backed up by a UPS using vented lead–acid batteries to meet the owner’s specification. Engineers Plus coordinated EPO (emergency power off) and fire suppression in lab spaces. In-floor flush duct and a complete overhead power and communications distribution system was provided in certain spaces. An overhead track busway in the server room, a 578-panel video wall, and an overhead AV truss, were some other special features of this project.
In April 2023, the project was recognized by the Greater Richmond Association for Commercial Real Estate as the Best Large Scale Office Project.